OPEN MEETING – ‘Finding Wild Life in Epping Forest – talk by Peter Warne

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Open Meeting on Monday 16th January 2023 at the Bowling Club in Abbey Lane. Doors open at 2:00 pm for a 2:30 pm start. Our speaker will be Peter Warne and his illustrated talk is entitled ‘Finding Wild Life in Epping Forest’.

Epping Forest is an ‘internationally important’ place because of its unique mix of habitats and species. It’s one of very few large, ancient forests in this part of Britain, and it has lots of rare or important habitats like ancient semi-natural woodland, wood-pasture, old grassland plains, heathlands and wetlands.

Because of all these habitats, the Forest also has lots of rare species including bugs, ten species of bat, birds and over 1500 fungi species. There are nine species of native reptiles and amphibians, 28 species of butterflies such as purple emperor and white admiral, as well as rare beetles, flies, lichens and spiders.

Come along for an interesting and entertaining afternoon, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with biscuits whilst passing the time in conversation with fellow members and taking part in our free raffle – we look forward to seeing you there.

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