Privacy and Cookies

Collection of personal information

The only personal information we hold if you contact us via this website, is your email address.  This is used solely so that we can reply to you and for no other purpose.  It will not be passed on to anyone else.

The General Data Protection Act 2018 requires your permission for us to store and use your personal data. For more information please see our Privacy Policy and our Data Protection Policy.

This site does use cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small amount of data sent to your computer that your web browser stores when you visit some websites. Cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s device e.g. computer, mobile phone.

The EU cookie directive

The law on website cookies changed on 26 May 2011 and requires that sites state which cookies are being used and their purpose. It also makes clear that cookies only be used with your consent. You can find out more information about this law by visiting the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

Which cookies do we use on this website?

We use Google Analytics to help improve user experience of the site and measure website traffic. The following cookies are set to enable this:

Name: _utma
Details: stores each user’s number of visits, time of visit etc.
Expires: two years

Name: _utmb
Details: checks approximately how long a user stays on the site
Expires: 30 minutes

Name: _utmc
Details: checks approximately how long a user stays on the site
Expires: end of browsing session

Name: _utmz
Details: stores where a visitor came from
Expires: six months

Name: WT_FPC
Details: User stats – used on this site only.
Expires: 12 years

Can I disable cookies?

Google offers a tool that you can use to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics. You can add this plugin to your browser by going to Google. For further information about cookies visit the All About Cookies website.