Members Resources

See main page for current programme and list of monthly photoshoot subjects.

Please upload photographs to Sync by the last day of the month. To encourage everyone to join in who may not find Sync easy to use then please send your photos to Bronwen at before the end of the month.

Meeting 8th July 2024
The shallow depth of field trap – 6 essential tips for better photos

Meeting 8th January 2024
Movement in Photography by Matthew Moss

Meeting 12th June 2023
How to master the Camera app on iPhone  (most also applies to Android phones) – Thanks to Nick Crawley

Meeting 13th March 2023
Martin Hugall’s notes from his talk on Basic Photo Editing using

Meeting 13th February 2023
Nick Crawley’s videos shown on Table Top photography

Meeting 14th November 2022
Tony Treglown’s YouTube link on Night Photography:
and a pdf of his presentation: Night Photography Tips (pdf)